Category: Short Fiction Friday

  • The Christmas Room – Ending 2

    This is a work of fiction. The house is quiet. One of the stockings has my name on it. It’s right beside Dylan’s. All of them bulge with presents. The pile of gifts under the tree blocks quite a few of the lower branches. I look at some of the tags on them. They’re in…

  • The Christmas Room – Ending 1 – Contemporary Fiction

    This is a work of fiction. I listen. The house is quiet. The room is full of light. I walk over to the wall where all the stockings are hanging. One of them has my name on it. When I was a kid, I used to wish for mountains of presents. I walk across the…

  • The Christmas Room – Contemporary Fiction – a story with two endings

    This is a work of fiction. The tree was at least twenty feet tall. How such a gigantic pine had been uprooted, transported, and set up there without any apparent damage, I had no idea. Every branch was hung with strings of great big red, green, and white lights. At the top, there was a…

  • Time Gone By – Part 19 – Science Fiction

    This is a work of fiction. “Freckles, no!” He ignored me and dashed through a gap in the fence we were passing. “Freckles!” I yelled. “Come back here right now! We’re not allowed in there.” Beside me, Lydia stopped pulling the wagon and looked at the hole in the fence. It was definitely time for…

  • Time Gone By – Part 18 – Science Fiction

    This is a work of fiction. The next morning, I asked Curly what he’d like to do to remember Popeye. “I guess we can’t go to camp, right?” “Not back to our camp site, but we could go hiking in the area around there.” “What about the kittens and TJ?” “I think we can leave…

  • Time Gone By – Part 17 – Science Fiction

    “That little doggie isn’t even big enough to eat solid food yet,” I said. “By the time he is, he’ll love the cats and not want to hurt them, let alone eat them.” “That’s right,” the woman behind the counter said. “So if you’re sure, then you can take them all home now.” “We are,…

  • Time Gone By – Part 16 – Science Fiction

    This is a work of fiction. “What?!” Stacey screamed into my ear for the second time that day. I was starting to get a headache. “We lose our jobs and then he goes on a shopping spree? What did he buy and when?” “Calm down,” I said. “All of these transactions were made before you…

  • Time Gone By – Part 15 – Science Fiction

    This is a work of fiction. “What?!” Stacey screamed into my ear. “Vincent! What a . . .” She swore blisteringly and then said, “Sorry Mom. I guess I’d better tell Chuck. I guess we’ll have to see if we can change our flight.” “Rushing back here won’t help, and it’s probably exactly what he…

  • Time Gone By – Part 14 – Science Fiction

    This is a work of fiction. I was not looking forward to the conversaton I was going to have with Sammy when it was his turn to help me. It wouldn’t be until dinner, so I would just have to get through the day. We’d just eaten breakfast when my phone rang. I looked at…

  • Time Gone By – Part 13 – Science Fiction

    This is a work of fiction. The next few days passed by quickly. We all had a lot of fun together, except for Sammy. When we were at camp, he stayed in the boys’ tent. When we went out, he stayed in the van if at all possible. He did dishes when it was his…

  • Time Gone By – Part 12 – Science Fiction

    This is a work of fiction. As soon as we arrived, Sienna wasted no time in asking her question. Lydia watched in something like awe as Sienna walked right up to the young (in his thirties) man at the gate. “Hi. I’m Sienna. Are you hurting the environment chopping down all these trees for firewood?”…

  • Lockdown – Part 10 – Horror Fiction

    This is a work of fiction. I look more closely and see that their window is covered with something black. Then I see some yellow. I stare at it. The yellow smiley faces where Victoria’s eyes should be. My heart leaps. She’s staring out at me. Nothing moves. The rubber mask is too flat. There…

  • Fun with Free Fiction

    Back in April, I launched free short fiction on this site with The Choice. That piece was short, but over the months since, I’ve started writing longer pieces. Both finished stories and pieces in progress can be found on my Fiction page. As of this writing, the story called Lockdown has almost come to an…

  • Lockdown – Part 9 – Horror Fiction

    This is a work of fiction. Once I’ve put the formula into the food bank bin, my purchases are much more manageable.I find myself not wanting to go home, thinking I should stay away until Victoria has come and gone. But no, I should go home and give Mom and Dad the cinnamon buns. But…

  • Lockdown – Part 8 – Horror Fiction

    This is a work of fiction. The next morning, I check my e-mail. Rachel has sent a payment. It’s half of what I’ve asked for. She’s also included a note. Thanks again for agreeing to illustrate my book. Here’s the first half of the payment. I know I’ve already said this, but your work is…

  • Lockdown – Part 7 – Horror Fiction

    This is a work of fiction. The next morning, I go into the kitchen to make breakfast, and see the plate of food for Mom still on the table. With a nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach, I throw it out, put the plate in the sink to wash later, and take out…

  • Lockdown – Part 6 – Horror Fiction

    This is a work of fiction. I don’t want to start painting and forget about the laundry, so I surf the Internet instead. I read a few blog posts about politics, COVID-19 and lockdown, but that just makes me sad, so I click on a photography blog. As I look at mountains in the distance,…

  • Lockdown – Part 5 – Horror Fiction

    This is a work of fiction. Mona doesn’t cry. She must be used to the doorbell. “Billy, can you get it?” Dad calls. “I just got out of the shower. Quick, before she rings it again.” I really don’t want to see Victoria, but I want even less to hear her criticizing Dad because Mona’s…

  • Lockdown – Part 4 – Horror Fiction

    This is a work of fiction. Great big tears start to roll down Dad’s cheeks and fall onto the table. I should probably say something to him, but what? He looks so totally miserable, and I want to comfort him, but how? It probably has something to do with Mona, and I know less about…